6 Relationship Tips for Couples with Children

Good Relationship Tips for Happy Family

The dynamics of a relationship changes significantly when children enter the mix. Not only are you taking care of yourselves, but now you are responsible for at least one more member of the family.

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As much as you two love each other, you will find that you have differences when it comes to child-raising, discipline, and priorities. A couple has to find a way to connect with their personalities and differences.

Parents and Kids

How To Be A Happy Couple With Children

1. Communicate

Communication is and always will be the best way to maintain a strong relationship with the best and the worst times. It can be as simple as picking the necessary baby products or planning a schedule around sports and extracurricular activities.

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You don’t have to agree with everything. You may want to try recommendations from your mother that your spouse thinks are a crazy old wives’ tale. Without communication, you will only talk to each other when someone is already stressed and even on the defensive about a unilateral decision. When you are speaking in a civil manner with one another, your children will see it too. Yelling and screaming will only cause stress in their lives.

2. Be Consistent

Parenting is all about teamwork. Gone are the days in which Mom tells the kids, “You’re in big trouble when your father gets home!” You can agree on bedtimes or how much you want to spend on holiday gifts. However, it is not a good idea to do something behind the other parent’s back. An example would be giving your child a candy bar after the other parent told them no. Or allowing the child to break a rule because you don’t want to be considered “the bad guy.”

When both of you are on the same page, you are sending a clear message to your children about expectations and values that you both agree on. When you resort to sneaking around, it teaches your child to be sneaky with rules. This can backfire on you in the future.

3. Remember That You are a Role Model

What you say and do is going to be observed by your child. You are the first teacher that they will have. They will copy your moves, your words, and even your habits. If there is something that you don’t want to pass down to the next generation, then you need to change your ways for the better.

Child Imitating

This includes your interactions with your partner. When you sneak around your partner rather than work to be consistent, your child will not only sneak around. But they will follow your example of not respecting your spouse. It doesn’t matter what you say if your actions don’t match.

4. Date Your Partner

There are two purposes for continuing a dating life after you have children. For one, you need a break. Sometimes you need to go out and do adult things after weeks and months focusing on your child’s needs. If it is dinner, movie, or just a jog in the park, you need to take care of yourself and share that interest with your partner. Your child will often be thrilled to have their special treat like a few hours with a family member or trusted babysitter.

Another reason to make time to date your partner is to continue to foster your love connection. Your relationship may have started this way, so you can keep that momentum going even after you add to your family. You don’t have to talk about the children while you are out, but it is not out of the question either.

5. Date Your Children

Remember how children look to you as a role model? The relationship that you have with your partner is their first example of how people in a long-term relationship treat each other. Rather than wait for them to start dating, make time to take your child out on a date. If you have multiple children, give each of them a night instead of sharing it with their siblings.

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Many organizations such as schools hold Daddy/Daughter dances. Moms can have their sons treat them to an ice cream sundae or go bowling. Take the mystery out of dating by showing them how people use their manners and spend quality time with each other. Dress up, have them arrange the schedule, and just have fun with it.

6. Kiss in Front of the Kids

Just because you have kids doesn’t mean that you can’t still show a little PDA. In spite of the disgusted faces and signs of embarrassment, kids can tell when a relationship is good when their parents show affection to each other.


Whether it is a long hug and kiss goodbye or a smooch when you arrive home, they will understand the positive connection that you have in your relationship when you touch. Of course, you will remember to keep your display age appropriate and save the rest for your time behind closed doors.

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