Dating Someone Who Works On the Night Shift

Dating For People Who Work The Night Shift

Dating someone who works on the night shift can be very challenging, and you would have to compromise in many ways to make it work. Seeing your partner prepare for work while you have just returned from your 9 to 5 work schedule can be disappointing. You are not going to be with him/her in the night and would have to endure the cold night alone. This can cause many problems in the relationship with general unhappiness. If you are in such a situation, I hope you share the experience. If you are yet to, here are some things to know before dating a night shifter.

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1. They Leave as You Come In

If you are a 9 to 5er, you return home from work at most by 6 pm, and at least you expect your partner to be around at that time. Yes, you would have them around if they are also a 9 to 5er but if a night shifter, he/she would be preparing for work. A night shifter would leave for work around 10 pm. So, if you returned from work at 6 pm, you only have 4 hours to catch up. This is a very limited time to be with your partner, and that can be a problem.

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2. Endure the Night Cold Alone

Be prepared to spend many nights alone if your significant other is a night shifter. They leave for work at 11 pm and return at 4 am to meet you also preparing for your day’s work. So, it will always be like when one is coming, one is leaving, and having a good night together is almost impossible.

3. You would be Worried Unnecessarily

Being at home while your partner is out, that can be a source of worry. You may have a sleepless night as you think about how they are faring, the danger they may be exposed and the other troubles night shifters go through.

4. Weekend Early Wakes

The only moment you can spend quality time with your night shifter partner is during the weekends. But that also comes with a little sacrifice. Yes, while you are enjoying a good rest after Friday’s work. You would have to wake up around 4 am to open the door for them as they return. You can now return to bed with him/her.

5. Dating Someone who works on the Night Shift is Like a Long Distance Relationship

It is obvious and the reality when you have a night shifter as a partner. There is always some form of distance between you because you don’t spend much time together. It is just like having a long-distance relationship of which you get to see your partner during the weekends.

6. Arranging a Date May not Work

Arranging a date outside the home is almost impossible when you are dating someone who works on the night shift. The only free time you spend together is during weekends. However, you would both want to catch up on some things during that time that you can’t go out. Other priorities like laundry, cleaning, and having a good time to bond will be on the agenda and not spending a date out.

dating someone who works on the night shift

7. You Maybe Compelled to Find Them another Job

Since you are not comfortable with your partner’s night shift job, you would always try to find them another job. Going through the job advertisement page of newspapers would be a daily routine. For your partner to accept that job offer would also be another thing.

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Conclusion: Dating someone who works on the night shift

You would have many challenges to address, but the situation is not a hopeless one. You can also agree and meet each other’s need at a point. Compromising is key when you are dating a night shifter, and I don’t think that should be a big deal if you truly love the person.

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