Crazy About Him? Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know Before Dating Him

Crazy About Him? Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know Before Dating Him

There is nothing that is more fulfilling than knowing that someone somewhere loves you so much. Well, sadly, it takes a lot of courage and dedication to get to this point. The worst thing is that these days the dating game has become more challenging than ever. Both men and women have high expectations on their partners which makes finding the right partner very difficult. When trying to settle for the right man, there are certain things that you need to know about them before taking things seriously. The qualities of this man will dictate whether this is the man that you would spend years with before sealing your love affair with a wedding ring. Take a look at the pointers below on what you need to know about him before taking things to the next level.

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Their relationship history

Some might argue that this is not necessary as you also have a history to hide. Well, have you thought of the fact that you might end up dating someone that is still tied up to their exes. The last thing that you need is to date a man that will leave you for their exes immediately they reconcile. Therefore, make a point of querying about their past relationship before giving him the YES card.

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What are his future plans?

If you have been dating for a while then you might be aware of the fact that people that lack anything to do with the future will only exist in the present. This is to mean that your relationship will also stay in the present. As a result, when communicating with a man that you consider as your potential boyfriend, it is imperative that you focus on their future perceptions.

Certainly, this does not mean that you should jump to asking him about the baby names that you would be using to name your kids. Simply ask him future short-term goals. This could be whether you could take a trip to the countryside in two or three months. This will give you a rough idea of the kind of plans that they have for your relationship. If this is a topic that they would keep evading, then you should set your eyes somewhere else.

Does he respect women?

Boys will be boys and men will be men, they never change. If a man fails to treat another woman with respect, how do you expect them to respect you? Whenever you are interacting with other people out there, you ought to be attentive to his actions and language towards other women.

A good man will respect women and treat them kindly. As a matter of fact, this is a behavior that will give you a green flag that you are dating the right man. Thus, before you date him, find answers as to whether he respects other women the way he pretends to respect you.

Get to know his criminal record

Falling into the hands of a criminal is perhaps the last thing that you need. For that reason, it is up to you to dig in for more info about this man. It might demand some Facebook stalking to get the right information about the man that you are about to date. Getting to know their track record will prevent you from dating an individual who has a reputation for sexually assaulting women. Also, you will find out if they were previously hooked to certain drugs. Ultimately, the choice is yours. Nonetheless, make a wise decision basing on what you expect in a relationship.

Is he worth trusting

So, you have known about his past relationships, his future plans and his criminal record. What should you do next?

Well, before jumping into any conclusions, ask yourself whether the man is trustworthy. Dating calls for trust.

If your relationship lacks trust, chances are that you might be breaking up soon. If the man shows any signs of deceit, this is a red flag for you. Save yourself from the worry and heartbreaks by finding an ideal man that you can trust.


The above are just but a few of some of the things you need to know about your ideal man. Dating is not easy and you don’t need to get hurt over and over again.

Consequently, take precautions by first understanding the qualities of the man you are settling for.

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