8 Fantastic Tips For Dating Older Women

8 Fantastic Tips For Dating Older Women

So, you’re the younger man, and she’s the older woman. You think the two of you would make a great couple. But this time you feel like you’re stepping into new dating territory. So, here are my seven fantastic tips for dating older women. You’ve decided you want to get to know her more or Much more. But the thing is you’re not sure how to go about it. You want to take things forward, successfully. Preferably straight into the dating stage and beyond!

They say the older we get, the wiser we become. This lady certainly seems wiser, in control and she’s confident. You’re great at communicating with women your age. But this time the age gap makes things feel different. You’re not making any advances toward her because you’re not sure where to start.

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So here are my, seven fantastic tips for dating older women. Read through them and go on, ask her out on that date.

1. Remember She Has More Life Experience Than You

This is the most important tip I can offer you. Alright, this seems like an obvious statement to make. But her confidence and the way she seems to be in control is a result of her age. She has lived through many experiences, and she knows what she wants.

She is likely to come across as self-assured which seems a little daunting but exciting too! It’s the fact that she is older and comes across as confident that makes you want to date her. Her age can make dating more fun and a challenge. But remember this means that she has been ‘chatted up’ many times. She probably won’t be looking to ‘play games.’ She will have a sense of who is genuinely interested in her. She will also be able to see who is just looking for a bit of sexual fun.

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So, remember to respect the fact that she’s older than you. This has a positive upside though. It means that you too can be direct. State your intentions. Tell her you’re attracted to her and would like to take her out on a date.

2. Call Her Instead Of Texting

If you have her number, I would advise you to call her rather than text message her. A phone call is a more personable and mature way to arrange a date. This will also show her that you are making time in your life to talk to her.

Once you get chatting on the phone, you can assess her enthusiasm for you. See how the conversation goes. If you are getting on well over the phone, then you will likely get in well in person out together. Initially, I would advise you to ask her out for a light lunch or a coffee date. Keep the first date simple and make a date as soon as possible. You want to keep things fresh and moving forward.

3. Dress Fresh! And Remember To Treat Her Like The Lady She Is

So, she agreed to go out on a first date. Fabulous! She obviously has time for you. Now just remember to treat her well, and that first impression lasts. Take the time to think about what you’re going to wear. Dress in clean clothes and make sure you smell great. An older woman will want a man who knows how to care for himself.

So, be well groomed. If you don’t know how to care for yourself, she’ll wonder how you are going to care for her. Consider how you’ll make her feel special. Greet her with a smile and a warm, friendly hug. And remember good manners are a must. Hold the door open for her; see that she is settled at the table before you are seated. Let her order her drink and food first. Small touches, but she will notice them.

4. Communicate Well

Alright, so the lady of your dreams is sitting opposite you. Communicating well means allowing the conversation to flow naturally. Take turns to lead the subject of the conversation. Don’t dominate the conversation and talk about yourself and your interests. You might want to try and impress her by talking about your achievements. But she’s already impressed with you. She’s on a date with you.

 couple in bench

She may take the conversation off into things she’s experienced that are new to you. Don’t be daunted. Learn from her and delight in her experience.Nothing will be more flattering than showing her that you are interested in her and her world. So while in her company, show that. Listen to what she says. Show that you’re listening by responding and joining in with her conversation.

5. Come Across As Being Emotionally Attached

During the conversation, you need to show that you have emotions. You need to show that you can express emotions. Maybe you keep your emotions under cover but here is an occasion that you will want to bring them out into the open.

An older woman will find a man who is attached to his emotions, handsome. She will find this quite a turn on actually. Also, she won’t want to date an emotionally cold guy. In fact, she has probably been let down by relationships in the past. And, she’s now in control of her emotions. She will crave that feeling of being emotionally attached to a man. I’m not suggesting an outpouring of emotions. She can keep emotions under control while expressing them.

6. Read Her Body Language To Get Tips For Your Next Move

So, now we are talking about emotions we can think about getting closer emotionally. This means physically closer too. If she is feeling relaxed in your company, then start to read her body language. Women give off signals through their body language. If she is moving in close to listen to your conversation that’s great. She doesn’t mind being close to you.

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If she is sitting with her legs crossed and they are facing your direction, then that shows she is interested too. How has she dressed for your date? If her clothing is loose and flowing, what is this telling you? Read all the little nuances of her body and what it’s telling you.

7. Let’s Think Physical!

Ok, so we are still on that lunch or coffee date in the café right? Think about how receptive she is to physical touch. Are you naturally getting closer? How does she react to the slight touch of your hands? When you’re standing, do you naturally ‘nudge’ bodies in the flow of conversation?

If an older woman lets you get close to her physically, then she is feeling comfortable with you. That’s great. Look out for these messages she gives off. They are your next move pointers. Older women crave touch. Show her that you are emotionally in control and able to get close physically without diving straight into the bedroom. She will love you for that.

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8. Your Next Date

When you’ve been out on your date, consider how it went. If it went well, then there’s sure to be the next date. Good news! Next time progress to an evening date and arrange to go out for dinner. Perhaps this time you can suggest somewhere more sensuous and more intimate? A nice dinner date where you can both get dressed up for each other and spend some special time together would be a great move.

Going out to a dinner dance where you can dance closely would be perfect. Don’t you think?

I hope those eight fantastic tips for dating older women has put your mind at ease. It’s easy. She’s older and wiser, more confident and more sensuous. Treat her like a lady. Listen and engage in two-way conversation and read her body language. And, don’t forget to have fun.

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