18 Ways To Break Out Of Your Dating Slump

18 Ways To Break Out Of Your Dating Slump

Finding yourself in a dating slump can occur regardless of your age or dating history. It is quite common for every single to go through this stage where they don’t get asked on dates or their dates requests get turned down. This can also occur when dating doesn’t interest you anymore.

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Dating slump is the red zone where you begin to feel like your dating life has gone on a journey of no return.  Most times, we fall into this zone after being dumped or driven into a friend-zone with a person we were in love with. This damages our confidence and self-esteem, making getting involved with someone new difficult. It may also be due to having troubles in one’s life, loss, health problem, career crisis may also deny you your confidence for a while.

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There are a lot of ways to get out of this danger zone in your romantic life, below are few:

1. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

If you are the type that blind dates and online dating sites don’t interest, it is time to step out of this zone and try something you never did. Allow your friends to set you up on a blind date, register on dating sites and meet new people.

at the bridge

2. Your Type

We often hear people say something like, ‘she’s not my type.’ Do you have a particular taste, a type? It could be about their career, interests, goals, skin color, gait, hair texture, anything! How often do you come by people of your type? If not often, then maybe you should be more flexible and consider other possibilities.

3. Social Interactions

Improve the way you socialize with people, be more friendly and approachable. If you are somehow rigid and wear a stern look on your face often, soften up, smile more, and loosen up.

walking together

4. Explore

This is the time to go somewhere you’ve never been to, on your dates. Who knows? The new location could completely change the turn of event for good. And also, besides going out on dates to somewhere new, you should also go to places new, travel, go on holidays and meet new people.

5. Confidence

You must know the things that boost your confidence. If you do, now is time to get more involved in doing them, and if you don’t, search yourself and figure out. Appear confident when you go out on dates, your confidence determines, to an extent, your impression on your date, how much you enjoy the date and how attractive you seem.

Confident in love

6. Do Something Different

This might be the perfect time to have new hobbies; take dancing, cooking, painting, or language classes. Go out for a run, walk, and visit diners more.

7. There Is No Perfect Time

There is never a perfect time to start dating, especially if you have a lot of reasons in your hands not to go out on dates. Whenever there is an opportunity to go out on dates, embrace it, it is left to you to decide if you want to go on another date with the same person.

two smiling lovebirds

8. Change From Within

Look inward to see the things your Ex complained about while you were together. Do you need to make changes?  Do you have habits or characters that people find repulsive? It is time to work on yourself.

9. Do A Review

You need to retrospectively look at your dating experiences with all scrutiny, to avoid repeating the mistakes you made. What are you not doing right?

10. Listen To Your Friends

We all have one or two friends that are genuinely concerned about us, and luckily some of these friends’ their dating lives are awesome. If you have these sorts of friends, listen to their advice and opinions, after scrutiny of course.

11. Attitude

You ought to be conscious of your attitude and reactions to situations. Your attitude is magnetic; it either repels people or attracts them.

right loving attitude

12. Your Stance

When you go out on first dates, do all you can right, right. You have to be yourself but dress right, make beautiful and interesting conversations, ask questions, laugh, smile, relax and be yourself.

13. Have Goals

Have your goals and work on them. It could be about your health, exercising, career, education.

14. Read Up

You can read more dating books, magazine or newspapers sections on dating, blog posts about dating, like you are now, to know more about breaking out of your slump.

happy together

15. Replace Negative Thoughts With Positive Ones

Negativity does a lot more damage to us than diminishing our confidence. Shun that voice that keeps saying you can’t find the right person; you are not good enough. Focus on the bright side and do a pep talk when you are to go on dates, tell yourself you are an amazing and beautiful person, that you deserve nothing but the best and anyone would be so lucky to have you.

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16. Find Out About The Things That Interest You

The internet has made it so easy to have more knowledge about the things one is interested in if you love sewing, knitting, or any other thing. Google is equipped to let you know all there is to know about this stuff. Getting busy is good for your confidence and creates a more interesting topic to talk about on your first dates.

having fun

17. Stay Fit

Regular exercise helps you to stay fit and attractive.

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18. Style

You may want to change your style to a more attractive one. For a woman, you could try new makeup styles and go through a complete makeover; do something new and pretty with your hair, nails, and eyebrows.

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