Cancer Man Libra Woman Compatibility

Cancer Man Libra Woman Compatibility – Overview

Cancer man Libra woman compatibility will either work for them or go horribly wrong. They can be the most romantic couple or end up being completely irritated and domineering with each other. Neither of them likes to surrender control. Accordingly, if they are able to find a balance where each one has a measure of control, this relationship will flourish.

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Together, the emotional Cancer man and the intellectual Libra woman’s relationship is comfortable. They both work really hard to ensure that it remains that way. She works hard to ensure balance and the Cancer man might not always make that easy for her.

To counter his own emotion and moody character, the Cancer man demands stability and emotional balance from a partner. The calm Libra woman is able to keep things peaceful and this suits him perfectly. The Cancer man will love her without restraint and protect her with all his might. He will give her real commitment that she might not get from other signs.

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Cancer man Libra woman in love are both idealistic. The Cancer man looks for the perfect home and family, the Libra woman wants everything to be perfect. His somber moods that she often has sight of, can be counteracted by her light-hearted and carefree approach to life. Should the possessive Cancer man become jealous of the Libra woman when she gets attention from other men, she will feel more secure in their relationship.

Initially, the Cancer man will be doing all the things he was taught to make his partner happy. The Libra woman will also put her best foot forward in the early stages of their Cancer man Libra woman relationship. She has an artistic flair that appreciates and will happily spoil her with lavish gifts.

The Libra woman is business oriented. Hence she runs things smoothly. When the Cancer man kicks back, he will see a side of her that he might not like very much. This will spiral him into a depression that she will not want to deal with. She will retreat and the Cancer man will be deeply hurt. This could signify the beginning of the end in their Cancer man Libra woman connection.

Cancer man Libra woman love compatibility gets off to a good start. It is complementary to the qualities of both of them. Friendship is not on the cards for Cancer man Libra woman couple. Romance is not something that either of them is particularly good at. Passion even less so. Their compatibility will require a lot of hard work. Fortunately, the Cancer man Libra woman lovers are quite inventive and the intense love they have for each other will be able to triumph.

Sex for the Libra woman is enjoyed more on an intellectual level, and for the Cancer man, it is about the emotional viewpoint.  Sexually, the Cancer man Libra woman in bed will balance each other out and will have a solid, down-to-earth and complementary sex life. The Cancer man enjoys sensitivity and a spiritual association and the Libra woman prefers fantasies and mind games. With his intuition, he is comfortable to be able to satisfy whatever she desires.

Should they be able to relinquish their own need for control, there is definite chemistry for the Cancer man Libra woman zodiac match. At times it may seem more than they are withholding from each other to barter for something that they actually want.

Cancer man Libra woman marriage will initially be fascinating and interesting. This won’t last for long as they will probably fight about almost everything. They both want to control every situation that they find themselves in. As a result, they might not agree on the way forward the other presents. In saying that, their home will be very comfortable and well taken care of by the Cancer man. The Libra woman will be very grateful as she is rather untidy.

The loving and brilliant Cancer father will find the unrestrictive Libra woman’s approach to motherhood to be sadly lacking. There may be times that the Libra woman feels inadequate as a mother, as she does not get emotionally attached to her children, but rather leaves that for the Cancer man to do. As they are both intelligent and resourceful, it shouldn’t be too hard for them to work out a plan of action and sort out their parenting differences.


Cancer Man Libra Woman Compatibility – Positive Traits

The Cancer man wants to ensure that he is able to provide a contented and secure lifestyle for his partner. The Libra woman relishes in a comfortable environment. He generally will be financially stable and have a good job, which will ensure that she is able to enjoy the finer things that she enjoys.

Communication is paramount to the Cancer man Libra woman soulmates. She may just be able to get him to open up to deal the problems between them. This relationship can go the distance if she is successful in doing so.

They will share a loving relationship if the Cancer man can be patient with the Libra woman’s indecisiveness. Also, she should handle his more sensitive nature. They are both dedicated to the concept of loving each other. They will work really hard to make good on their promises they made at the outset of their Cancer man Libra woman friendship.

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Cancer Man Libra Woman Compatibility – Negative Traits

The Libra woman‘s capability to compromise is reliant on her being in control. When she realizes that she has less control than she originally thought, she will become pushy and nag to get her own way. The Cancer man will not react well. He becomes sullen and fed up. This behavior does not make for good relationship building, especially with the Libra woman.

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The Cancer man will agitate the Libra woman when he has an emotional flare-up. They will struggle to regain the balance in their relationship. He can be an insecure lover and she may be challenged with the decision as to what really works for them.

The Libra woman enjoys an expensive lifestyle. On the contrary, the Cancer man wants to save his money. His view is that money means emotional security. He certainly won’t be very happy with the Libra woman shopping habits whenever she feels like it. This will certainly cause problems for the Cancer man Libra woman compatibility. 

Cancer Man Libra Woman Compatibility: Conclusion

To ensure that Cancer man Libra woman dating each other thrives, he should compliment her as to how beautiful she is. Rather than trying to subdue her controlling nature, she will like the fact that he allows her to do her thing. He can show a little jealousy when other men pay her attention which will make her feel more secure in his feelings for her.

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When a Libra woman wants to get the attention of a Cancer man, she can be a chatterbox because he is not confident in that way. She can show him her confidence in controlling situations. Originally, he will be drawn to her for it, later on, maybe not so much.

Cancer man Libra woman compatibility affair is over when they both want to be in control and neither want to give in to the other. There will be too much emotional aloofness, misery and irritability from both sides for them to be able to be happy together. They might decide to stay together and will find themselves living in a loveless marriage.

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